Carpe Diem

I was almost ready to call it a day when an overwhelming desire to soak up the ambiance one last time compelled me to sit on my apartment’s balcony, sipping my tea. It hit me like a ton of bricks—a flood of emotions, for this is one of the last few nights I would spend in this balcony, this apartment, this city, and this country I’ve called home for the past decade. I can’t quite put my finger on what I’m feeling right now—excitement, worry, happiness, denial—but all I know is that I want to cherish this moment while I can. Carpe Diem. So, here goes nothing.

Dubai holds a special place in my heart because it witnessed my transformation into the person I am today. Though I arrived in the city as a young adult, I truly believe that I grew up here. I still vividly recall my first night in Dubai—the drive from the airport to the hotel. While I can’t quite remember my exact thoughts during that journey, I do recall gazing out of the cab window and feeling an indescribable sense of freedom.

Dubai has taught me some hard-hitting lessons. Throughout my time, I experienced both gains and losses, but I can say that the gains outweighed the losses. Yes, I placed my trust in the wrong people and suffered setbacks, but I also gained the trust of many wonderful people. There were those who took more than they gave, yet there were also those who provided me with the love and support I needed when it mattered most.

There were friends who gave me distance when I needed love and kindness, but they were also the ones who made my journey most memorable and beautiful. And then my friend, there were lots and lots of heartbreaks and mental breakdowns. LOL.

The twists and turns, the ups and downs, all contributed to shaping my journey in this city. Every experience was necessary to shape me into a wiser person. Life’s funny like that, isn’t it? It’s a wild mix of taking hits and receiving unexpected blessings. But let me tell you, the friends I call family now —they’re the ones who’ve turned my journey in this city into something unforgettable. They’ve been there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on, and they’ve made this place feel like home.

When I meet people from other countries, some tend to label Dubai as a “fake” city—an assortment of towering buildings, luxurious malls, and endless opportunities for indulgence. “A city that never sleeps,” they say. And yes, I’ll admit, the city has an abundance of options when it comes to shopping and dining. In fact, the mere thought of it makes me crave a delicious chocolate crepe right now 1.04 AM and I can totally Talabat it.

But what is “real”? Is it a city where you can’t go out alone at night, always vigilant against potential dangers? I can only attest to the reality of my own experiences, and for me, Dubai was home for ten incredible years. I was content with my metamorphical “blue pill” and the life it offered.

But guess what? Now, it’s time to embark on a new chapter of my life, it’s time to face the unknown and explore what lies beyond the comfort zone I’ve known for so long. Change can be disconcerting, yet it gives us an opportunity for growth, discovery, and fresh experiences. It’s like that scene from “The Matrix” where Neo chooses the red pill to see what’s really out there. Well, I’m taking that red pill, my friend, and I’m ready for a brand-new adventure.

Leaving Dubai behind is bittersweet, but it’s also an opportunity to grow, to explore, and to find myself in a whole new way. So, join me as we bid farewell to this city of contradictions and embark on a journey of discovery.

A personal note to Dubai, “You’ve been a wild ride—a place where I’ve laughed, cried, and everything in between. It’s hard to say goodbye, but life goes on, and so must I. You’ll always have a special place in my heart, and I’ll forever treasure the memories we’ve shared. As I step into the unknown, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. But hey, let’s remember that I’m just a regular human being, trying to make sense of it all.

So, stay tuned as we navigate the twists and turns of life together. And please, don’t hate me—I’m just doing my best with what I can, just like you. Of course, you are better, you have Fazaa, but guess what I will be able to make WhatsApp call now ;)”


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